Wednesday, December 14, 2011


In my opinion the definition of reality can vary. What may be reality to one, may not be reality to another. Each person has their own perception of what reality is. While I may believe in Christianity, another person may not, making our versions of reality very different. The reason why reality differs from person to person is that everyone has different opinions and also many people lie and are deceiving nowadays. One good example I can think of is the reality of a relationship between a guy and a girl. The guy may tell the girl that she is the love of his life and he would never do anything to hurt her and then cheat on her and never tell her. The girls idea of reality is a little different from what actually is. I have seen this happen much too often in college relationships, which is why it is the best example I can come up with. We are also deceived on a daily basis by reality television. While broadcasters sit there and call it "reality," we all know very well that a lot of these shows are somewhat, if not completely scripted. Take the MTV hit "The Hills" for example. Viewers went through seasons of the show believing it was reality, only to be hit with the bomb that it was in fact not. At the very end of the last show, they showed the set of the show, displaying that the show was scripted and not real in the least bit. Based on all of this I feel that reality is all about one's perception of the world. People also have the ability to make their reality what they want. They have the choice to believe things or not to. They also have the choice to do what they want with their own form of reality. Reality is a very broad category that can vary from person to person.

My Favorite Game

My Favorite Game

My favorite game to play is Rummy. It is a game I grew up playing with my family and I enjoy card games a lot. I also like it because it requires you to think and with my family it gets very competitive. My Dad likes to think he always wins, but I've beaten him a few times, which makes it fun.

Ad critique

The image that I chose to critique is one of the infamous "Above the Influence" ads. I chose this ad because I think it has a lot of relevance to college students today since the party lifestyle has become so prevalent in colleges. Along with that lifestyle often comes drinking and sometimes even drug use. Probably the most widely used drugs is marijuana, which is what this ad is talking about. The ad asks readers a true or false question, which gives them the opportunity to think about what the ad is trying to say. They use pathos to their advantage when they ask "weed isn't so cool when your little brother finds you high." This question really gets the reader thinking about what their family would think if they knew the truth. The other question "weed can get you kicked off the soccer team" is obviously true because I have never known of a sports team to support the use of drugs. Since weed is an illegal substance, one can obviously get kicked out of any organization that finds out they use, which gets the reader to think about their priorities. Obviously this article would be more effective towards someone who already uses marijuana, but it can also be influential on those who don't by giving them reason never to try the drug.